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Who is DisabilityUnited?

Home  /  Who is DisabilityUnited?

DisabilityUnited was founded to link America’s disabled with advocates who support them along the journey to receive the Social Security benefits they deserve.


Here at DisabilityUnited, we have the experience needed to provide informative online resources to the public and help them find the professional assistance they need, free of charge. Our role of providing a national Social Security database of referral advocates (attorneys or representatives) grants the public the ability to be represented by a support system along their journey to collecting Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI or also known just as Social Security Disability, SSD). The Social Security Administration (SSA) often denies claimants of SSDI for various reasons (only 28% are accepted at the initial claim according to the SSA), even if they are truly disabled. Not receiving your benefits on the first try may be damaging to your morale, that’s why if you are denied advocates and attorneys with extensive knowledge of the laws and medical field will appeal the decision on your behalf. We understand how important this win is and link you to committed disability agents.


Besides creating this connection, our site acts as a wealth of knowledge to learn all there is to SSDI. Our experience and resources to the premier Social Security disability institutions will help you win faster while keeping you informed along the way.


Have our experts fight for you, fill out the free form now to get in touch with a representative!



100 S Bedford Rd, Mt Kisco, NY 10549